THE WEDDING PRESENT 5/1 オランダ・アムステルダムParadiso公演のセットリスト [2006/5/2 - 5/5更新]

4/27 アイスランド・レイキャビックGrand Rokkでのセットとの大きな違いは"Silver Shorts"が"Montreal"に入れ替わったことと、新たに"Corduroy"が加わったこと。もしかしたら昨年2〜4月の欧州/U.K.ツアー同様、日によって一部の曲を入れ替えるパターンなのかもしれません。ちなみにステージ登場時のS.E.は"Shivers"のインストゥルメンタル・ヴァージョンでした(歌入りのオリジナルは"Ringway to Seatac"のカップリング、来る編集盤『Search for Paradise』にも収録)。

   Sticky [single (1992) & The Hit Parade (2003)]
   Ringway to Seatac [Take Fountain , single (2005) & Search for Paradise (2006)]
   Corduroy ["3 songs EP" (1990) & Seamonsters (1991)]
   Flying Saucer [single (1992) & The Hit Parade (2003)]
   Montreal [Saturnalia (1996) & single (1997) & Singles 1995-'97 (1999)]
   Gazebo [Watusi (1994)]
   Wow [single & Disco Volante / CINERAMA (2000)]
   You Should Always Keep In Touch With Your Friends [double A-side single (1986)]
   Mars Sparkles Down On Me [Take Fountain (2005)]
   Click Click [Watusi (1994)]
   Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft [George Best (1987)]
   Kennedy [single & Bizarro (1989)]
   I'm From Further North Than You [single, Take Fountain (2005) & Search for Paradise (2006)]
   Take Me! [Bizarro (1989)]
   Mercury [Mini (1996)]
   Dalliance [single & Seamonsters (1991)]
   Why Are You Being So Reasonable Now? [single (1988)]
   Brassneck [Bizarro (1989) & single (1990)]
   Octopussy [Seamonsters (1991)]

翌2日のオランダ・ロッテルダム、3日のルクセンブルグ公演では下記の様に曲目が入れ替えられました。それまで中盤で演奏されていた"Take Me!"がラス前に移動した事が大きなポイント。セットの流れとしてはこちらの方が盛り上がりますね。
   Sticky [single (1992) & The Hit Parade (2003)]
   Ringway to Seatac [Take Fountain , single (2005) & Search for Paradise (2006)]
   Corduroy ["3 songs EP" (1990) & Seamonsters (1991)]
   Flying Saucer [single (1992) & The Hit Parade (2003)]
   Montreal [Saturnalia (1996) & single (1997) & Singles 1995-'97 (1999)]
   Wow [single & Disco Volante / CINERAMA (2000)]
   You Should Always Keep In Touch With Your Friends [double A-side single (1986)]
   Mars Sparkles Down On Me [Take Fountain (2005)]
   Click Click [Watusi (1994)]
   Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft [George Best (1987)]
   Kennedy [single & Bizarro (1989)]
   I'm From Further North Than You [single, Take Fountain (2005) & Search for Paradise (2006)]
   Gazebo [Watusi (1994)]
   Brassneck [Bizarro (1989) & single (1990)]
   Mercury [Mini (1996)]
   Dalliance [single & Seamonsters (1991)]
   Why Are You Being So Reasonable Now? [single (1988)]
   Take Me! [Bizarro (1989)]
   Octopussy [Seamonsters (1991)]
